Last week the focus was on a morning routine. (I am a little behind on the series and plan to catch up!) I have always had a morning routine but once I put it down in writing, it seemed to work much better for me . I use a FlyLady Control Journal (CJ), and I place my routines and goals in the very front. There are definitely times I put my CJ aside but I always seem to come back to it when life seems a little unbalanced.
Here is my morning routine and/or what I strive to accomplish:
6:30 a.m. Wake, quiet time: read and Rosary, make bed.
7:00 a.m. Girls wake, get dressed
7:15 a.m. Make breakfast and smoothies, vitamins
7:30 a.m. Make school lunches and snack
7:45 a.m. Empty and reload dishwasher, start laundry
Girls brush teeth, hair
8:15 a.m. Drop girls off at school
8:30a.m. Tidy living room, dining room, and kitchen,
Start dinner and plan after school snack.
10:00 a.m. Start schooling: reading and activities
This schedule changes often but it has been working well for me lately. I am not an early riser so it is something I constantly struggle with. When I do wake early and start my day with some quiet time and prayer, my day is so much better and I am a much better mom. Because I am nursing my toddler and co-sleeping (often with both my toddler and preschooler), it is difficult to keep the little ones asleep when I get up. I often just stay in bed and read and pray the Rosary with a small book light.
If you are struggling with your morning routine, I recommend looking at www.flylady.net and the book, Sink Reflections by Fly Lady, Marla Cilley. I also recently found a free e-book called Maximize Your Mornings at www.inspiredtoaction.com. It is a great blog and resource to help you start intentionally using your mornings to jump start your day.
So what type of morning routine do you have?
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you like the blog and ebook! Thanks so much for taking the time to share them on your blog.
-Kat @ Inspired To Action.com