O glorious St. Anne, you are filled with compassion for those who invoke you and with love for those who suffer! Heavily burdened with the weight of my troubles, I cast myself at your feet and humbly beg of you to take the present intention which I recommend to you in your special care.
Please recommend it to your daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and place it before the throne of Jesus, so that He may bring it to a happy issue. Continue to intercede for me until my request is granted. But, above all, obtain for me the grace one day to see my God face to face, and with you and Mary and all the saints to praise and bless Him for all eternity. Amen.
Our Father, . . . Hail Mary . . .
O Jesus, Holy Mary, St. Anne, help me now and at the hour of my death.
Good St. Anne, intercede for me.
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Hail, all-powerful Lady. By God’s special favor, grant consolation
to those who invoke you. Procure for them the eternal riches of heaven, and like
a good mother, success in their temporal affairs as well.
Good St. Anne, obtain my deliverance from the punishment which my
sins deserve. Obtain for me success in my temporal affairs; especially see to
the salvation of my soul.
St. Anne, by your influence with Mary’s son Jesus, you have won the
gift of conversion for many sinners. Will you then abandon me, who have chosen
you as my mother? No, St. Anne. Your name alone, which signifies grace, assures
me of the help of your prayers, and these prayers will surely procure pardon and
mercy from Jesus. You will pray for me now and at the hour of my death.
Good St. Anne, do not allow my soul, a masterpiece of God’s
creative power, to be lost forever. Free my heart of pride, vanity, self-love.
May I know myself as I really am and learn meekness and simplicity of heart.
God’s great love for me leaves me cold and unresponsive. I must
reflect this love through works of mercy and charity toward my neighbor.
In your boundless charity, good St. Anne, help me to merit the
glorious crown which is given to those who have fought the good fight against
the world, the devil and the flesh. Assist me to preserve purity of heart and
body. With Mary and her divine Son, protect me always.
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