2. We had torrential rains in our area last weekend and our basement flooded. With a shop vac, dehumidifier, a fan, and lots of elbow grease, we got it cleaned up. Thankfully, we completely cleaned out the basement and decluttered the week before . . . or the mess after the flood would have been muuuuuucccchhh worse.
3. I was stung by a bee for the-first-time-ever. It made me realize that I could have been much more sympathetic when my oldest was stung in the hand and my husband was stung in the ear just a few days before. I'll know better for next time.
4. Our 16 year old chihuahua is getting old quickly. She moves slowly and her eye site and hearing is worsening. And she constantly pees in the kitchen. I mop and wash the carpets sometime 2-3 times a day. And I complain about it a lot. Well, she got out of the house yesterday, and at about 10:00 p.m., we realized she was not in her bed. She had been out in a terrible thunderstorm. While this may not be a big deal for other animals, she is a very old house dog that acts like a cat. She does NOT like to leave the house. After a furious search of the neighborhood for about 1 1/2 hours, I found her coming out of the dark from back of our yard. Needless to say, we are very thankful she is home. I will continue to clean up pee and I will not complain.
5. On a lighter note, we finished up swim lessons this week. I'm very happy to have stronger, more confident swimmers in my house.
This one may have hurt a little:
6. After praying the Novena to Saint Anne for nine days, we celebrated with a tea party in her honor. It was a wonderful way to celebrate the liturgical year in our home!
You can see all the fun we had here.
This is our St. Anne and St. Mary:
7. One of my favorite real food blogs is GNOWFGLINS. I tested a wonderful blueberry lemon muffin recipe for Wardeh. I was tickled pink to see our our family highlighted in the blog post. Check it out :)
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