1. My kids have been playing with their play silks for YEARS. Our little "Bubbles" likes to flitter aroung the yard in her fairy dress she receieved in her Easter basket. I could rid of all the toys in the house, but the silks will remain so my grandkids can enjoy them!

3. We also picked red and black rasberries and made lots of jam.

4. This makes me so happy:

5. Look at the sweet gift I receieved from my Little Flowers group. We had a great end of the year ice cream social last weekend. How did they know that the Cooking With The Saints cookbook has been on my Amazon wishlist forever?
Here is a recap of our year:
6. Last week we found a newborn baby bird that had fallen out of its nest in our yard. We were so happy when we were able to save it and get it back into its nest. Unfortunately, I was watering my plants yesterday and found a slighlty bigger baby bird had fallen out of the nest and did not make it. My girls are heartbroken. My animal lover asked why the mama bird didn't swoop down and pick up her baby. I wish she could :(
7. My kids had a wonderful week at VBS. Thankfully, the girls have a few more to attend in the coming weeks. What a great way to spend their summer days :) To quote one of the songs they learned, "Nothing is impossible with God."
8. I realize this is 7 quick takes but the spellchecker on blogger is not working. Please excuse any mistakes that I did not catch - I have a baby to put down for a nap :)
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